Everything you wanted to know about the bonafide certificate

Obtaining a bonafide certificate is necessary for various situations, including applying for a job, a student loan, a visa, etc. This article will cover all you need to know about getting this document and give examples of how to request it for various life situations.

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What is the meaning of a bonafide certificate?

In Latin, “bonafide” means “good faith”. A bonafide certificate is a record that certifies or demonstrates your affiliation with any organization or institutional entity. It is usually particular and accepted as credible evidence. For instance, a bonafide certificate for a school student will indicate their enrollment in a particular class at a specified time.

Generally speaking, this document could show an association with any organization or institute. It is necessary for various things, including but not limited to mortgage applications, loan applications for college, job applications, and visa applications. 

Formats of bonafide certificates

The format of a bonafide certificate might change depending on what you need it for. Therefore, it differs for students, travelers, and employees since each group requires the document for a different reason.

What is the use of a bonafide certificate?

This section will discuss some of the most common instances in which you need a bonafide certificate. Let us go through them one by one.

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A student may be required to show a bonafide certificate when requesting discounts from public transportation companies, including city buses, local trains, and metros.


Travel agencies or airports may require a bonafide certificate while making a passport application, especially if the trip is work-related.


This Certificate is occasionally needed for visa applications, notably when students studying abroad are given a separate student visa or a corporate employee is granted a work visa.


Certain lending institutions provide low-interest loans to students. The student might need to show this certificate to take advantage of this benefit.


The paperwork presented to various traffic authorities to apply for a license may also contain a valid certificate as additional ID proof.

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Types of bonafide certification

Since bonafide certificates have multiple uses and purposes, we can classify the most common types used today. In this article, we shall discuss bonafide certificates for students and employees. Let us go over them briefly.

Bonafide certificates for students

A bonafide certificate may be issued by the head or principal of a school or college. A student may need one to:

  • Get a passport and extend visa.
  • Apply for educational loans.
  • Attend a seminar and workshops at some other institute.
  • Visit an industry for project work.
  • Avail of travel concessions.
  • Join a public library.

Of course, these are not all cases where a certificate is needed, but they are the most common ones.

Bonafide certificates for employees

Both salary and contract-based employees may need a bonafide certificate for the following:

  • To open a bank account.
  • To get any form of credit or loan from a bank.
  • To participate in a work-related meeting, seminar, or event.

In the following sections, we will tell you how to write a request letter for a bonafide certificate.

How to prepare a bonafide certificate?

As an official document, a bonafide certificate can only be received after you apply for it. Now that we know its types and purposes, let us get down to applying for one. 

Bonafide certificate for school students

Writing a letter to request a bonafide certificate can be tricky for many people. Therefore, we have prepared detailed samples and drafts for you to refer to when preparing a bonafide certificate application.

How can a student get a bonafide certificate from their school?

To get a bonafide certificate as a student, you must reach out to the administration. You will have to write to them by sending them the following documents:

  • Photocopy of your ID card.
  • Your latest fee receipt.
  • An application.

Below we will consider an example of a letter for obtaining a bonafide certificate.

Request letter for bonafide certificate application for school

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You can use the following template:


The Principal

[School Name]

[School Address]


Subject: Application for Bonafide Certificate

Respected Sir/Ma’am

I, [student name], student of class [student class] at [School Name], require  a bonafide certificate to [state the purpose who need to fulfill using the bonafide Certificate]. You are requested to kindly issue me one at your earliest convenience. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thank You,

Yours Sincerely,

[Student Name]

[Student Signature]

Sample bonafide certificate application for school

For your convenience, we have filled and prepared a bonafide sample certificate following the format above:


The Principal

Brook’s National High School

New Country Road, Opposite Sector F, Block 7A, Jerome, Idaho, USA.

1st January 2022

Subject: Application for Bonafide Certificate

Respected Sir/Ma’am

I, Will Smith, a student of Class 8 at Brook’s National High School, need a bonafide certificate to join the public library of Jerome. You are requested to kindly issue me one at your earliest convenience. I shall be very grateful to you.

Thank You,

Yours Sincerely,

Will Smith

Request letter for bonafide certificate from school by parents

If you are a parent, you also have the right to complete an application for a student. Use the following as an example:


The Principal

[School Name]

[School Address]


Subject: Application for Bonafide Certificate

Respected Sir/Ma’am

My son/daughter, [Name of student], is a bonafide student of class [class grade] at your school. He has been studying since class [class at the time of joining] for [number of years since enrollment]. I need a bonafide certificate to [state the purpose who requires to fulfill using the bonafide certificate]. 

I will be very grateful if you look into this matter at your earliest. 

Thank You,

Yours Sincerely,



Sample application for a bonafide certificate by parents

Here is an example of a completed application according to the template from the previous section:


The Principal

Brook’s National High School

New Country Road, Opposite Sector F, Block 7A, Jerome, Idaho, USA.

1st January 2022

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Subject: Application for Bonafide Certificate

Respected Sir/Ma’am

My son, Will Smith, is a bonafide student of Class 8 and has been studying since Class 1 for eight years. I need a bonafide certificate to join the public library of Jerome. 

I would be very grateful if you could consider my request. 

Thank You,

Yours Sincerely,

Will Smith

Bonafide certificate from school for Aadhar Card

A Bonafide certificate is one of the documents that you need to submit while applying for an Aadhar card. Here’s how you can approach your school to request a bonafide certificate:


The Principal

Brook’s National High School

New Country Road, Opposite Sector F, Block 7A, Jerome, Idaho, USA.

1st January 2022

Subject: Application for Bonafide Certificate

Respected Sir/Ma’am

I, [student name], a student of class [student class] at [School Name], require a bonafide certificate for my Aadhar card. You are requested to kindly issue me one. I will be very grateful if you look into this matter at your earliest. 

Thank You,

Yours Sincerely,



Bonafide certificate for college students

Below, we will tell you how to write a letter of inquiry to the college administration.

How can a student get a bonafide certificate from their college?

The documents needed to get a bonafide certificate from your college are usually the same as for school students. Make a note of the following:

  • Photocopy of your ID card.
  • Your latest fee receipts.
  • Any relevant document related to your purpose for bonafide Certificate (e.g., invitation letter, event details, etc.).
  • An application.

Now let’s move on to specific examples of request letters.

Bonafide application format for college students

To quickly request a bonafide certificate, simply follow the form below:


Office of, 

Head of Department/Faculty Advisor

[University Name]

[College Address]


Subject: Application for Bonafide Certificate

Respected Sir/Ma’am

This is to request for a Bonafide Certificate to be issued to me, [Name of student], from the batch of [batch name], currently studying in my [number of semesters] semester. I need a bonafide certificate to [state the purpose who needs to fulfill using the bonafide Certificate]. 

I would be grateful if you could look into this at your earliest. Thank You,

Yours Sincerely,

[Student Name]

[Student Signature]

Bonafide certificate for employees

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Employees are also often faced with the need to have a bonafide certificate. Let’s look at what documents you must provide to request it.

How to get a bonafide certificate as an employee?

The сertificate given to an employee should include his contact information, a description of their position, and the employer’s information. Depending on the kind of document and its requirements, the employee’s birthdate may occasionally be included in the certificate.

The following are the crucial documents you must present:

  • A photocopy of your pay slip or salary slip.
  • Copy of your employee ID card.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • Any relevant document related to your purpose for a bonafide certificate (e.g., invitation letter, event details, etc.).

Now let’s move on to an example of an application letter for a certificate.

Bonafide application for employees

You may follow the format below when preparing your application:


[Manager’s Name]

[Department Name]

[Name of Company]



Subject: Request for Issuing a Bonafide Certificate from Company

Respected Sir/ Madam

I must provide a bonafide certificate from my present employer as identification to [reason for bonafide certificate]. As a result, I would like to request you to evaluate the application and provide a bonafide certificate with the following information:

[Employee Name]


[Employee No.]


[Other details]

Thank you!

Yours Sincerely,



Bonafide certificate for passport

When applying for a passport, you might need to provide documentation to prove that you are a student at a particular school or work for a company.

How to get a bonafide certificate for a passport?

In the next section, we will provide you with a sample letter to obtain a certificate which you can then use to apply for a passport.

Bonafide application to get a passport

You can use the following application format to write your request for a passport:


[Manager’s/ Principal’s Name]

[Department/ Section Name]

[Name of Company/ School/ College]



Subject: Request for Issuing a Bonafide Certificate 

Respected Sir/ Madam

I, [your name and designation/grade], am required to provide a bonafide certificate provided by this institution for identification for me to apply for my passport. As a result, I would like to request you evaluate the application and provide a certificate. I will be very grateful to you.

Thank you!

Yours Sincerely,



Bonafide certificate for internship/apprenticeship

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For this specific case, you must send an application to either your school, college or employer with the following documents:

  • Motivation letter.
  • ID card.

Having the necessary documents, you can request a certificate according to the instructions below.

Application for a bonafide certificate for internship/apprenticeship

You can follow the format below:


[Manager’s/ Principal’s Name]

[Department/ Section Name]

[Name of Company/ School/ College]



Subject: Request for Issuing a Bonafide Certificate 

Respected Sir/ Madam

I, [your name and designation/ grade], am required to provide a Bonafide Certificate provided by this institution for identification for me to apply for an internship/apprenticeship at [Name of destination institution]. As a result, I would like to request you to evaluate the application and provide a bonafide certificate. I will be very grateful to you.

Thank you!

Yours Sincerely,




To finally understand the topic, we will answer some of the frequently asked questions.

What is a bonafide certificate?

A bonafide certificate is a document that attests to your association with any institution or group of people. The paper might demonstrate affiliation with any sort of group or institution. It is generally required for several purposes, such as obtaining a mortgage, loan, passport, or visa.

What is the use of a bonafide certificate?

This certificate may be needed for a variety of different purposes, including:

  • Obtain travel discounts.
  • Apply for student financing.
  • Attend seminars and workshops at other institutions.
  • Visit an industry for project work.
  • Apply for a passport or visa extension.
  • Join a community library.
  • Open a bank account.
  • Get a loan.

Note! You can find on the Internet examples of letters for obtaining a bonafide certificate for all these purposes, not only in English but also in Tamil and other languages. For convenience, download bonafide certificate application templates in pdf format.

What is the difference between a bonafide and a study certificate?

A bonafide certificate and a study one differ in terms of purpose and content. The latter talks about the student name, the institution, class, and course details and proves a person is enrolled at the institute. On the other hand, a bonafide certificate explains that a student is enrolled in a school/college/university for a specific time and resides in a particular location.

In short, a bonafide certificate is more detailed than a studying one and is more helpful in proving to bigger organizations.

How long is a bonafide certificate valid?

A bonafide certificate on a firm or educational institution letterhead with an adequately executed signature and official seal is valid for three months in most cases.

Who issues a bonafide certificate?

A bonafide certificate is often issued to students by the head of the administrative division or the academic institution. At the same time, employees officially get it approved by the management of the department or organization in question.

The bottom line

Having a bonafide certificate meaning your affiliation with a particular organization as a student, employee, etc. You need to write a letter to the administration to receive it. We hope that the templates presented in our article will help you with this.

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