EnergyWorks: Unleashing the power of blue energy

As bleak as it sounds, the world’s energy needs are escalating and traditional resources are reaching their limits. So, the hunt for sustainable alternatives has never been more urgent. Enter EnergyWorks, a force poised to tap into a source of power that has remained largely untapped until now: blue energy. 

Blue energy was discovered half a century ago yet laid idle for most of this time. Humans knew about it before cosmic microwave background radiation, fiber optics, and laser, so it’s high time to bring the concept of blue energy to the forefront. EnergyWorks might be a crucial stepping stone in its prominence, and Binomo investors may want to take a closer look at the sector. 

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The need for sustainable solutions

Human activities have triggered an astonishing 1.5-degree Celsius rise in Earth’s temperature since the industrial revolution. This is a major shift in such a short time span compared to historical norms. Unfortunately, the combustion of fossil fuels for energy stands out as a primary contributor. 

Moreover, the finite energy resources are exacerbating air, water, and soil pollution on a daily basis. This destructive trajectory not only decimates natural habitats but also inflicts widespread harm to human health. 

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The good news is that humans have the capacity to both preserve and alleviate future repercussions, as well as embrace a commitment to clean energy stands as an effective strategy. Even if not for sustainability reasons, new sources of energy are increasingly becoming more viable and economically competitive. Businesses that answer the growing demand for corporate social responsibility and ethical consumerism, EnergyWorks, are simply positioned to thrive.

A future fueled by blue energy

Blue energy is derived from various forms of renewable ocean resources. One prominent facet of blue energy is ocean thermal energy conversion. This technology capitalizes on the temperature difference between warm surface waters and colder depths to generate electricity. As the sun heats the oceanэs surface, a temperature gradient is established, and OTEC systems use this difference to drive turbines, producing clean, continuous energy.

Another facet is tidal and wave energy. Tides are a predictable and reliable phenomenon driven by gravitational forces between the Earth, the moon, and the sun. Tidal energy converters, strategically positioned in areas of strong tidal currents, can harness this kinetic energy to generate electricity. Similarly, wave energy converters capture the energy generated by the motion of ocean waves.

In the scenario of a seamless transition to blue energy, this industry can help curb climate change, ensure energy security, and boost economies through technological advancements and job creation. With that groundwork laid, let’s now shift to EnergyWorks.

EnergyWorks’ vision and mission

EnergyWorks is all about finding and implementing smart solutions for energy and infrastructure. Whether they’re leading the way or helping others, their main goal is to create plans and actions that make both economic sense and protect the environment while also benefiting communities.

The company came into being because they noticed big changes in how individuals and companies use and produce energy. This included increasing energy needs, advancements in technology, and growing concerns for the environment. Collectively, these factors have prompted EnergyWorks to develop ideas that conserve energy and promote the use of cleaner, renewable sources.

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EnergyWorks operates as a group with different parts, each focusing on specific aspects. Some parts manage projects related to blue energy, others handle the infrastructure needs of businesses and institutions, and some are dedicated to cutting-edge projects involving advanced bio-energy technology. Their team includes experts like technicians and engineers, and they operate from offices in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Their reach extends beyond North America to international locations, where they work closely with customers.

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Converting currents to power with innovative technology

If you’re interested in how exactly EnergyWorks operates in the blue power sector, here are a few things to know:

  • Turbine placement: EnergyWorks has positioned specialized turbines on the seabed in areas with strong and consistent ocean currents.
  • Blade interaction: As the underwater currents flow over the turbine blades, they set the blades in motion, similar to how wind moves the blades of a windmill.
  • Shaft and generator: The rotating motion of the turbine’s blades is transferred to a shaft connected to a generator, which converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.
  • Energy transmission: The electrical energy generated is transmitted through underwater cables to a central location or a power grid onshore. In the case of EnergyWorks, the electricity is distributed to homes, businesses, and other consumers.
  • Environmental impact: They operate beneath the surface, minimizing disruption to marine life and avoiding potential visual impacts.
  • Reliability: As mentioned, ocean currents are highly predictable and consistent
  • Challenges and considerations: While underwater turbines hold great potential, it’s hard to design robust turbines that can withstand underwater conditions and address maintenance issues there.

Given that EnergyWorks has been in operation since 1995, it’s evident that they have substantial expertise in this field. 

Investment opportunity: securing a stake in the future

The clean energy sector, which encompasses renewable sources like solar, wind, hydro, and bioenergy, is gaining momentum. And businesses like EnergyWorks are at the forefront of driving this momentum. Even though this particular company is private, it’s just one piece of a broader landscape of investment opportunities.

There are a multitude of avenues emerging for those seeking to invest in clean energy, and you can explore those avenues through the Binomo platform. Ongoing innovations are driving down the costs of new energy technologies, which makes them increasingly competitive with traditional fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources are also less susceptible to price fluctuations, ensuring greater financial stability.

Besides, you’ll have the chance to align your investment goals with long-term environmental and social sustainability objectives. If you get to capitalize on this alignment, even better. 


What is blue energy? Lights and shadows of a promising technology, Tomorrow.City

EnergyWorks, Crunchbase

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